During Your Visit
The Animal Emergency Center is determined to provide a loving, friendly environment for your family during an emergency. No appointments are taken and each patient is triaged at presentation.
Upon arrival, you will be greeted and signed in by a member of the staff while your pet’s condition is immediately assessed. Our doctors will then spend time with you to review your pet’s medical history and symptoms.
Next, we will work with you to develop the most appropriate treatment plan for your pet. We explain in detail the advantages and potential risks of different treatment methods and diagnostics. We will present multiple options with written cost estimates representing the optimal standard of care for your pet, as well as more budget friendly approaches. Our goal is for pet owners to be able to make a fully informed decision on the care we provide for your pet.

After Discharge
Our dedication to the health of your pet continues when it goes home. AEC provides detailed discharge instructions explaining diet, medication and re-check advice. We follow your pet's discharge with a complete faxed or emailed referral letter, and a personal phone call from our veterinarian to yours to discuss your case.AEC routinely collaborates with your regular veterinarian, specialized care or diagnostic provider or rehabilitation provider to ensure the best possible continuity of care. We want to ensure that after your pet leaves our hospital, you have a comprehensive plan with all the support you need to help restore your pet's good health.
A few days after discharge, you can also expect our caring staff to call you for a progress update, and to answer any of your questions.