The following organizations can be contacted to provide general information regarding wildlife care and treatment:
Name | Notes | County | Phone |
Howell Nature Center (Wildlife Clinic) | Open 10-5 Daily, howellnaturecenter.orgAll species except raccoons | Livingston | (517) 548-5530 |
Humane Society of Huron Valley | Available 24/7 hshv.org | Oakland | Sick/injured rescue line: (734) 661-3512 |
State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources | DNR Wildlife rehabilitators directory listing michigandnr.com/dlr | n/a | (517) 284-WILD |
All Species Kinship (ASK) | Good resource! allspecieskinship.org | Calhoun County / West side of Michigan | (877) 596-7776 |
Spirit Filled Wings | Raptors only spiritfilledwings.org | Helps in Macomb, Oakland, St. Clair, Lapeer and parts of neighboring counties. | (248) 953-5690 |
Wild Wings Bird Rehabilitation | Song birds and Crows wildwingsbirdrehab.org | Oakland County | (248) 701-2523 |
Friends of Wildlife | friendsofwildlife.net Squirrels only | Ann Arbor | (733) 548-3227 |
Bird Center of Washtenaw | birdcenterwashtenaw.org | Washtenaw | (734) 994-6287 |
Nottingham Nature Nook | Mammals, foxes, deer | Clinton | (517) 448-7451 |
Wildside Rehab | All mammals except raccoons & deer | Eaton Rapids | (517) 663-6153 |
Wildthings Animal Rehab | Small mammals & deer | Clio | (810) 577-5457 |
Critter Crossing Rehab | Small mammals, specializes in opossums | Atica (Lapeer county) | (810) 441-6934 |
St. Francis Animal Hospital | Mammals, raccoons, reptiles | Macomb | (586) 228-8387 |
Outback Wildlife Rehabilitation | Small mammals, specializes in deer. No raccoons. | Ottawa Lake | (734) 777-1613 |
Ellymayfly's Wildlife Rehabilitation and Educational Program | Specializes in opossums and turtles | Oakland | (586) 489-0386 |
Judy Walzak | Healthy neonate/young squirrels, opossums | Waterford | (248) 613-4508 |
Elaine Bater | Small mammals | Chelsea | (734) 548-3127 |
Marley's Castle Wildlife Rescue | Raccoons and opossums only | n/a | (248) 798-3033 |