Dogs and Snakes Don't Mix... and That Can Be a Problem! -
As the temperatures begin to warm, wildlife starts... (more)
Essential Oils: Not Essential for Pets! -
All pet owners should be aware of the potential toxiticy of essential... (more)
Beware the Amanitin mushroom in Michigan -
Amanita phalloides, known as "death cap" or "death angel" and Amanita... (more)
Pet Poisoning: Signs and Symptoms -
Ingested, inhaled or absorbed poison substances can cause a wide range of symptoms... (more)
Torn or Broken Toenail -
The most effective solution to stop
bleeding is Quick Stop (steptic
powder). This product... (more)
Rectal Temperature for Cats and Dogs -
Taking an animal's rectal temperature is the best way to know if your pet... (more)
Respiratory Rate for Cats and Dogs - Technique
Observe chest motion or place a wet finger or pocket
mirror over... (more)
Normal Heart Rate for Cats and Dogs -
The heart rate can be taken by locating the animal's
pulse along the femoral... (more)