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05/20/24 - Sweet Nina Beans Nina, also known as Nina Beans, Beanie Baby, Beansie, and many other nicknames, was a sweet girl, who loved nothing more than cuddling up with her loving family. She would follow... (more)
05/16/24 - 05/03/2024 Sweet Stella My sweet Stella you were my heart which is now broken into... (more)
05/02/24 - THE BEST DOG EVER Our Beautiful boy Tuxx, you will be so missed .... You were the... (more)
03/12/24 - I Love You Forever I am so lucky that I got the chance to meet Oliver, even if it... (more)
01/31/24 - You Will Never be Forgotten Mocha, you were my best friend in the world. I MISS YOU SO MUCH. You will never be forgotten. I love you so much. I hope God will read this to you, I love you so much.... (more)