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10/24/16 - My Super Hero ! I adopted Wayne and his sister Sabrina two years ago and brought... (more)
09/29/16 - To My Best Friend... Sobek was a 6 year old, 5 foot long, 15 pound female West African... (more)
09/10/16 - Forever Loved It absolutely breaks my heart to say this. But only a week after getting... (more)
09/08/16 - Tuxedo Deeds was a rescue kitty from the Humane Society and he picked to be his Mom, he stuck his paw out of the cage and caught my purse and just meowed to me, so he came home. The HS named... (more)
08/26/16 - The Little Man Corkie shredded his mortal body and started his new journey in spirit... (more)