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11/26/14 - In Loving Memory We adopted Bella from the Windsor Essex County Humane Society when... (more)
10/19/14 - Pharaoh Under the Ramp Dear sweet Monty, you are my sleeping beauty, my sweet prince.... (more)
08/24/14 - My Puppy I was only blessed to have known you for a short time. But in that short... (more)
08/07/14 - Not a day goes by... It's been more than a month now, but I still wake up at 3 a.m.... (more)
08/02/14 - My Beloved Sieglinde Sieglinde, my Schutzhund-trained, European German shepherd died on July 23, 2014. If ever there was a perfect dog, it was her. She was devoted to me, and never allowed... (more)
08/01/14 - In Memory of Monica Monica is a purebred Himalayan cat. We rescued her when she was... (more)

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