In Memory...

Shofuku (Fuku)

My Sweet Angel

I adopted Shofuku in June 2010 from Midwest Rabbit Rescue (Plymouth, MI.) He was 8 months old. I was told he was found in the woods in Farmington Hills, MI. When I saw his little precious face, I knew he was the rabbit for me! I had experience with rabbits as I had two dwarf rabbits in the past. He provided me with so much joy once he became acclimated to my apartment in Royal Oak. He was a spirited lionhead rabbit. I would describe him as comical, laid back, curious, and angelic. He was such a sweetheart!!! After a year, I decided to adopt a companion for him. His companion's name was Miyuki. She was also a female lionhead rabbit, but she was bigger than him. She was the dominant rabbit out of the two. However, Shofuku wanted someone to take care of him and groom him, etc. So he didn't mind her bossy personality. This past Sunday, Shofuku started wheezing and had a distended adbdomen. So I took him to Animal Emergency Center. He was suffering tremendously, and after serious contemplation my husband and I felt it was best to euthanize him. The staff were really kind and comforting during that difficult time. I miss Shofuku dearly, but I know he is at peace now. It has been most difficult dealing with his passing because his presence is greatly missed at my apartment. I especially miss his sweet kisses. Again I thank the staff at the Animal Emergency Center for their kindness and support during that difficult time. God bless you!

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